Southern Peru Copper
In 2001, to guarantee the reliability of its electrical system, the company Southern Peru Copper Corporation (SPCC) requested a comprehensive study of its entire power system.
A new 700 km transmission line had interconnected the central-north system (Mantaro-Socabaya) with the southern system of Peru.
This increase in short circuit capacity required that the SPCC protection equipment be reviewed and coordinated again.
A harmonic study was also necessary because, in some cases, modern mining equipment installed by SPCC produced harmonic and parasitic currents in its electrical system.
EISAC, using the ETAP PowerStation software, developed a mathematical model of the entire Southern Interconnected System of Peru and performed load flow, short circuit, harmonics, coordination and protection studies.
The recommendations of the study were implemented by SPCC, improving the reliability of its electrical system.
Other studies conducted for Southern Peru:
2006 - Resonance and Harmonics Study
2010 - Power System Analysis
2011 - HPGR Load Flow, Harmonics and Resonance Study
2012 - Load Flow, Short Circuit and Motor Starting of the 69kV electrical system
2018 - Master Plan for the SPCC Electrical System until 2040
2019 - Complete study of the 69 kV Toquepala mine electrical system ring